This page displays a selection of projects I have worked on.
Each project includes a brief description, relevant links, and visual demonstrations to provide a clear understanding of my work.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss my work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
I collaborated with a team of four on a project aimed at connecting students with professionals, with a focus on job shadowing.
Throughout the project, we conducted user interviews to understand the context and needs of both students and professionals.
We also designed low-fidelity prototypes and iteratively refined them into high-fidelity interactive solutions.
The application enables students and professionals to find, connect with, meet, and evaluate each other, fostering meaningful learning experiences. Design Process
Mark Visualization
The purpose of this project is to track the courses a student has taken during their career at the University of Waterloo.
It includes the course admin section for adding and listing courses, the visualization section for metrics including Average by Term, Progress towards Degree, and the status bar displaying averages and counts.
Source Code
This implements the board game Battleship. (Click here to see the Rules of Battleship(Hasbro)).
Source Code
This is a recipe-sharing app that provides recommendations for what you might like to eat.
The goal of this app is to reduce the amount of time a person spends on figuring out what to eat every day, and provide secondary features that help avhieve this.
The main page shows a list of recipes, sorted in order of recommendation. A user can save their favourite recipes, add new recipes to the database, and keep track of a grocery list to help them with shopping.